ultramarin marine translations
nl tweede machinist   lid van de bemanning met de rang van officier. De tweede machinist vervangt de eerste machinist, onder wie hij staat en die hij assisteert in de uitoefening van zijn plichten wat betreft de tecnhische en economische leiding.  
de Zweiter Ingenieur
Zweiter Maschinist
Mitglied der Besatzung im Rang eines Offiziers. Der Zweite Ingenieur vertritt den Ersten Ingenieur, dem er untersteht und dem er in der Ausübung seiner Pflichten der technischen und wirtschaftlichen Betriebsführung assistiert.
en Second Engineer (Officer) a member of the crew in the rank of an officer and the position of the Chief Engineer's deputy. He understudies the Chief Engineer Officer in all aspects of his managerial, professional and commercial duties.
fr second mécanicien  
  The Second Engineer is responsible to the Chief Engineer Officer for:
o engine room safety and safe working practices
o the safety of all personnel working under his supervision
o the organisation and execution of all engine room watch keeping and machinery operating routines
o the maintenance, operation and upkeep of all parts of the engine room and the proper performance of maintenance in accordance with the decisions of the maintenance team and the provisions of the integrated work plan
o technical supervision of the engine room workforce
o supervision, as delegated by the Chief Engineer Officer, of all crew that work in the engine room
o spare gear and its inventory
o fire fighting and safety equipment (including fixed fire fighting equipment, e.g. the "CO2" systems on board) and safe practices in the engine room.