ultramarin marine translations
nl cirrus
  een type wolk samengesteld uit losse cirrusvormige delen in de vorm van dunne draden of (overwegend) witte vlekken of dichte strepen. Deze wolken hebben een draderig en/of een zijdeachtig uitzien.
de Zirruswolken
ein Wolkentyp aus für sich stehenden cirriformen Elementen in Gestalt feiner Fäden oder (vorwiegend) weißer Flecken oder dichter Streifen. Diese Wolken erscheinen faserig und haben einen seidigen Schein.
en cirrus (clouds) a principal cloud type (cloud genus) composed of detached cirriform elements in the form of delicate filaments or white (or mostly white) patches, or of narrow bands. These clouds have a fibrous aspect and/or a silky sheen.
fr nuages cirrus  
es cirro  
it cirro  
  Many of the ice crystal particles of cirrus are sufficiently large to acquire an appreciable speed of fall; therefore, the cloud elements have a considerable vertical extent. Wind shear and variations in particle size usually cause these fibrous trails to be slanted or irregularly curved. For this reason, cirrus does not usually tend, as do other clouds, to appear horizontal when near the horizon. Because cirrus elements are too narrow, they do not produce a complete circular halo. Cirrus often evolves from virga of
cirrocumulus or altocumulus, or from the upper part of cumulonimbus.
Cirrus may also result from the transformation of cirrostratus of uneven optical thickness, the thinner parts of which dissipate. It may be difficult at times to distinguish cirrus from cirrostratus (often impossible when near the horizon); cirrostratus has a much more continuous structure, and if subdivided, its bands are wider.
Thick cirrus (usually cirrus spissatus) is differentiated from patches of altostratus by its lesser extension and white color. The term cirrus is frequently used for all types of cirriform clouds.
  Glossary of Marine Navigation