ultramarin marine translations
nl werk
uitgeplozen touw
  oud stuk uitgeplozen touw, wordt voor het kalfaten/breeuwen gebruikt  
de Werg gezupftes altes Tauwerk, wird zum Kalfatern benutzt;
en oakum
substance of old ropes untwisted and pulled into loose hemp, used for caulking. That formed from untarred ropes is called white oakum.
fr étoupe
garniture de chanvre
fragment de vieux cordages (défaits, battus et boullis et séchés), de chanvre, de lin utilisés par les calfats pour colmater les interstices entre les planches.
Lorsqu'elle est goudronnée on parle d'étoupe noire. L'étoupe blanche est neuve.
es estopa      
it stoppa      
  "...prisoners were given a weighed quantity of old rope cut into lengths equal to that of a hoop stick. Some of the pieces are white and sodden looking... others are hard and black with tar upon them. The prisoner takes up a length of junk and untwists it and when he has separated it into so many corkscrew strands, he further unrolls them by sliding them backwards and forwards on his knee with the palm of his hand until the meshes are loosened. The strand is further unravelled by placing it in the bends of a hook fastened to the knees and sawing it smartly to and fro which soon removes the tar and grates the fibres apart. In this condition, all that remains to be done is loosen the hemp by pulling it out like cotton wool, when the process is completed... The place is full of dust... the shoulders of the men are covered with brown dust almost as thick as the shirt front of a snuff taker... the hard rope cuts and blisters their fingers."  
H.Mayhew/J.Binny, Criminal Prisons in London and Scenes of Prison Life, 1862