ultramarin marine translations
nl vierde machinist   lid van de bemanning met de rang van officier, die onder de tweede en derde machinist staat en verantwoording schuldig is aan de tweede machinist;  
de Vierter Ingenieur
Vierter Maschinist
Mitglied der Besatzung im Rang eines Offiziers, der dem Zweiten und dem Dritten Ingenieur untersteht und dem Zweiten Ingenieur berichtet;
en Fourth Engineer (Officer)
Junior Engineer Officer
member of the crew in the rank of an officer who understudies the Second and Third Engineer Officers and is responsible to the Second Engineer Officer;
fr quatrième mécanicien  
  The Fourth Engineer is responsible to the Second Engineer Officer for:
o the safety of all personnel working under his supervision;
o maintenance as directed
o maintenance and upkeep of engine room safety equipment and associated records