ultramarin marine translations
nl onder volle zeilen   aanduiding van een zeilschip dat alle beschikbare zeilen gezet heeft;
de unter vollen Segeln
mit Vollzeug
Bezeichnung eines Segelschiffs, das alle verfügbaren Segel gesetzt hat;
en under full sail
with all sails set
pertaining to a sailing vessel that has set all its sail;
fr à pleines voiles
toutes voiles dehors
es bajo todas las velas
con todas velas
it sotto tutte le vele
con tutte le vele
en Notwithstanding all that has been said about the beauty of a ship under full sail, there are very few who have ever seen a ship, literally, under all her sail. A ship coming in or going out of port, with her ordinary sails, and perhaps two or three studding-sails, is commonly said to be under full sail; but a ship never has all her sail upon her, except when she has a light,, steady breeze, very nearly, but not quite, dead aft, and so regular that it can be trusted, and is likely to last for some time. Then, with all her sails, light and heavy, and studding-sails, on each side, alow and aloft, she is the most glorious moving object in the world. Such a sight, very few, even some who have been at sea a good deal, have ever beheld; for from the deck of your own vessel you cannot see her, as you would a separate object.
R.H. Dana, Two Years Before the Mast, p. 421