ultramarin marine translations
nl omgekeerde spiraaltest    
de Umkehrspiralversuch Alternative zum 'direkten' Spiralversuch (Schlängelfahrt);
en reverse spiral manoeuvre Bech’s reverse spiral manoeuvre is an alternative to the direct spiral manoeuvre. In this trial, the ship’s course is set at a constant change of heading speed and the rudder angle x required to produce this speed of change of heading is also set.
fr essai spirale renversé  
  During the manoeuvre the values of the points of the change of heading speed curve with respect to the rudder angle can be taken in any order.
The equipment required is a rate-gyro (alternatively, the heading z given by the gyrocompass can be differentiated to provide r = z), and an exact indicator of the rudder angle x. The accuracy of the trial can be improved if the information on the change of heading speed and the rudder angle are available continuously. If manual control is used, the helmsman can visualise the instantaneous change of heading speed in a register or
indicator. The procedure originally proposed by Bech for obtaining a point in the curve is recommended. The ship is made to approach the desired change of heading speed or rate of turn, r0 = z0, applying a moderate rudder angle. Once the desired change of heading rate is obtained, the rudder is activated to maintain this desired rate of change of heading as accurately as possible. The helmsman must attempt to maintain the desired change of heading rate using shorter and shorter rudder movements until constant values of the ship’s speed and rate of change of heading are obtained. Normally, a stable change of heading rate is obtained quite fast, so that it is easier to perform the test using a rate-gyro than with a normal gyrocompass.