ultramarin marine translations
de Trajektanstalt 1852 begann man zwischen Homberg und Ruhrort (daher auch: Homberg-Ruhrorter Trajektanstalt) mit der Beförderung von Eisenbahnwaggons über den Rhein. Aus technischen Gründen entschied man sich für eine Fähre anstelle einer Eisenbahnbrücke, um die Eisenbahnnetze des linken und rechten Niederrheins zu verbinden. Mit Hilfe englischer Ingenieure entstanden zwei Hebetürme zur Überwindung des Höhenunterschieds zwischen den Bahnhöfen und dem Rhein und zur sicheren Einschiffung der Waggons auf die dampfgetriebenen Fährpontons.
en   in 1852 transport of railway wagons was started across the Rhine between the towns of Homberg and Ruhrort which served as bridgeheads of the railway traffic on either side of the river. With respect to the topographical conditions a ferry service was installed. With the aid of English engineers two lifting towers were built to compensate for the differences in height at rising or falling water levels. The wagons were transferred to a pontoon which was brought across the river by a steam driven boat. The technology to handle and transfer the wagons eventually proved more intricate than it may seem at first sight. The construction of a bridge a couple of kilometres upriver made the ferry less indispensible and the service was discontinued for good in 1908. A tower is still standing on the left bank next to the ferry port which has been used since for other purposes.  