ultramarin marine translations
nl     de interval tussen een laagwater en het volgende hoogwater; duur van de vloed, duur van het terugtrekkende water
de Steigdauer Dauer zwischen einer Niedrigwasserzeit und der folgenden Hochwasserzeit;
> Flutdauer
<> Falldauer
en duration of rise the interval from low water to high water; together with the duration of fall they cover, on an average, a period of 12.42 hours for a semidiurnal tide or a period of 24.84 hours for a diurnal tide. In a normal semidiurnal tide, the duration of rise and duration of fall will each be approximately equal to 6.21 hours, but in shallow waters and in rivers there is a tendency for a decrease in the duration of rise and a corresponding increase in the duration of fall.
> duration of flood
<> duration of fall
fr durée du flux > duré du flot
<> durée du reflux