ultramarin marine translations
nl zee   aanduiding voor de toestand van de oceaan aan de oppervlakte, in het bereik waar water en wind interactief zijn, meestal in verbinding met een eigen adjectief ("ruwe" zee," rustige" zee), vergelijkbaar met het woord "weer".
- tegenzee
- dwarszee
- achterlijke zee
- nalopende zee
de See Bezeichnung für den Zustand des Meeres an der Oberfläche, im Interaktionsbereich von Wasser und Wind, meist in Verbindung mit einem Adjektiv ("rauhe See", "ruhige See"), vergleichbar mit dem Wort "Wetter".
Man unterscheidet nach der Richtung der Wellen im Verhältnis zur Schiffslängsachse bzw. Fahrtrichtung des Schiffs
- Gegensee
- Dwarssee
- raume See
- nachlaufende See
en sea Within the region of active wind-wave generation, the sea surface becomes very irregular in size, shape and direction of propagation of individual wave forms. This disorderly surface is referred to as sea. As waves propagate from the region of active generation by the wind, they tend to sort themselves into a more orderly pattern. This phenomenon, known as dispersion, is due to the fact that longer period (or wavelength) waves travel faster, while short period waves lag behind. Swell is a term applied to waves, which have propagated outside the region of active wind wave generation. Theses waves are more regular in shape with a narrow direction of travel and are characterized by a narrow distribution of periods. [Ship Design and Construction, Vol 1]
There is a
- head sea
- beam sea
- quartering sea
- following sea
depending on the direction of the wave's motion with reference to the ship's longitudinal axis or course line.
<> swell
fr mer  