ultramarin marine translations
nl scheepssextant   een sextant die aan de eisen van de navigatie op zee voldoet.  
de Schiffssextant ein Sextant, der den Erfordernissen der Navigation auf See entspricht.
en marine sextant a sextant designed primarily for marine navigation.
clamp screw sextant: the position of its tangent screw is controlled by a clamp screw;
endless tangent screw sextant: the position of its index arm and the vernier or micrometer drum is controlled by an endless tangent screw;
vernier sextant: a sextant that provides a precise reading by means of a vernier used directly with the arc. It may be either of the clamp screw or the endless tangent screw type;
micrometer drum sextant: a sextant that provides a precise reading by means of a micrometer drum attached to the index arm, and has an endless tangent screw for controlling the position of the index arm.::
fr sextant maritime  