ultramarin marine translations
nl muizing   het vastzetten van een open haak om te verhinderen dat een ingehangen oog wegglijdt; ook het vastzetten van een schakelbout.  
de M(a)using Sicherung eines offenen Hakens gegen das Herausrutschen eines angehängten Auges; auch Sicherung eines Schäkelbolzens gegen selbständiges Herausdrehen.
en mausing
the binding of hemp or wire across the opening of a hook to prevent it clearing itself, used as a safety measure to prevent slings or ropes from slipping off. It also helps prevent straightening of the hook but does not strengthen it materially. To mouse a hook after the sling is on the hook, wire or heavy twine is wrapped eight or ten turns around the two sides of the hook. The process is completed by winding several turns of the wire or twine around the sides of the mousing and tying the ends securely.
fr aiguilletage d'un croc  
es trinca de boca  
it legatura al gancio