ultramarin marine translations
nl groepschitterlicht   het licht vertoont periodiek groepen van schitteringen waarbij de totale duur van de schitteringen kleiner is dan de som van de verduisteringen;  
de Gruppenblitzfeuer ein Licht, welches aus periodisch blinkenden Gruppen besteht, wobei die totale Dauer der leuchtenden Phasen kleiner ist als die Phasen der Dunkelheit;
en group flashing light a flashing light in which the flashes are combined in groups, each group having the same number of flashes, and in which the groups are repeated at regular intervals. The eclipses separating the flashes within each group are of equal duration and this duration is clearly shorter than the duration of the eclipse between two successive groups.
fr feu à éclats groupés  
es luz de grupos de destellos      
it luce a gruppi di lampi