ultramarin marine translations
nl onder stoom gebogen spant   onder hete stoom in de gewenste vorm gebrachte spant. Zulke spanten zijn stabieler dan gezaagde, omdat de structuur van hun (lange) vezels bewaard blijft.
de eingebogener Spant unter Heißdampf in die gewünschte Form gebogener Spant. Solche Spanten sind stabiler als gesägte, da die Struktur ihrer (langen) Fasern erhalten bleibt.
en bent frame
steamed frame
a wooden frame to which the desired curvature has been given by bending it after it has been steamed for a certain length of time. A bent frame is lighter for the same strength than a sawed one. Steamed frames are occasionally laminated in parts by sawing them down on the flat. This is done to the advantage in the knuckle of the counter and in the hard turn of the garboard. However, frames over 4 sq.in. in sectional area cannot be bent readily, since the steaming time is 1h/inch thickness. Therefore they are used in small sailing craft up to a 40ft. waterline. The woods used are ash, rock elm, white oak, hackmatack.
fr membrure étuvée
membrure ployée