ultramarin marine translations
nl dominium maris   de aanspraken die een staat (of statenbond) maakt op de souvereiniteit over een zeegebied. (bv. dominium maris baltici: de aanspraken van enkele staten rond de Oostzee het verkeer op de Oostzee te regelen, en te controleren en het hieruit afgeleide recht daarvoor financieel vergoed te worden.)
de Dominium Maris der Anspruch eines Staates (oder eines Staatenbundes) auf Herrschaft ìber ein Seegebiet. (z.B. Dominium Maris Baltici: der Anspruch einiger Ostseeanliegerstaaten, den Verkehr auf der Ostsee zu regeln, ihn zu kontrollieren und zu sichern und das daraus abgeleitete Recht, dafür Geld zu verlangen).
en dominium maris the claim of a state or a federation of states to reign over a certain region of the sea, to control traffic and trade as well as levy payments from traders within that region.
One of the better known historic examples is the Dominium maris Baltici. By enforcing its policy, Denmark could finance much of its naval efforts with the Sound Toll where shipping between the Baltic and Western Europe paid for protection. Sweden raised toll in its own ports and in the increasing number of Baltic ports, which were brought under Swedish control from 1561 to 1660. Both powers claimed that they, and only they had the right to command the Baltic with naval power and protect foreign shipping.
fr dominium maris  