ultramarin marine translations
nl Dnjestr   1362 km, ontspringt in de noordelijke Karpaten in de Oekraine en mondt uit in de Zwarte Zee bij Belgorod-Dnestrovski (Moldavië). De rivier, gedeeltelijk de grens tussen Moldavië en Oekraine, is zeer bochtig, maar in het grootste deel van het jaar bevaarbaar vanaf Chotin.
de Dnjestr entspringt den nördlichen Karpaten in der Ukraine, in der Nähe der Grenze zur Slowakei und Südpolen, bildet im Norden Moldawiens die Grenze zur Ukraine und mündet nach 1362 km bei Belgorod-Dnestrovski östlich von Odessa ins Schwarze Meer. Der Fluß, der sehr stark mäandert, ist den überwiegenden Teil des Jahres von Chotin (Ukraine) abwärts schiffbar.
en Dnestr river in Ukraine and Moldavia, part of which flows along the border between the two countries. 1352 km; basin area 72.100 km2.
The Dnestr rises on the northern slopes of the Carpathians at an altitude of about 900 m and empties in to the Dnestr estuary of the Black Sea. In its upper course (as far as the city of Galich) it flows through a deep narrow valley and is a typical fast mountain river. The Dnestr receives many tributaries in its upper reaches, primarily from the right. The biggest of these is the Stryi, and all of them rise on the slopes of the Carpathians. Below the city of Galich the Dnestr is calmer, but its vally remains narrow and deep.
Below Mogilev-Podol'skii the valley widens a little narrowing only when the spurs of the Podol'e Upland approach the river. There are small rapids in the river's course. Below the city of Tiraspol' the river flows through the Black Sea Lowlands, and its valley widens to between 8 and 16 km. The Reut, Byk, and Botna empty into the Dnestr from the left in its lower reaches.
The Dnestr is fed by rain and snow. Torrential summer rains often make the water level rise suddenly, frequently causing floods. The average annual discharge is 8,7 km3. The rate of flow, which is about 310 m3/sec. near the city of Bendery, has a maximum of about 2500 m3/sec and a minimum of 14,7 m3/sec. The ice on the Dnestr often turns into ice floes and during warm winters the river does not freeze at all. There is regular navigation from Soroki to Dubossas and from Dubossas to the mouth of the river. The main ports are Mogilev- Podol'skii, Soroki, Bendery and Tiraspol'.
fr Dniestr  
es Dniéster  
it Nistro  
dk Dnestr  
se Dnjestr  
fr Nistru