ultramarin marine translations
nl vaarbewijs   officieel document over een proeve van bekwaamheid met betrekking tot het voeren van een klein vaartuig (zeil- of motorboot). De eisen hiervoor en de worden in het kader van de nationale wetgeving vastgesteld.
nl stuurbrevet  
de Sportboot-Führerschein
offizieller Befähigungsnachweis zum Führen von Kleinfahrzeugen, die nicht gewerblich genutzt werden. Die Anforderungen hierfür werden ebenso wie die Anerkennung ausländischer Führerscheine im Rahmen der nationalen Gesetzgebung festgelegt.
en yachting licence official certificate of competence to sail or handle a small craft. The requirements and procedures to obtain a licence as well as the acknowledgement of foreign licences are laid down in national laws and regulations.
fr permis de conduire les bateaux de plaisance  
es permiso de patrón (de embarcaciones)  
it patente nautica  
en       in the Netherlands there are basically three different licences for skippers of non-commercial pleasure boats. Applicants must pass a computerized exam that requires theoretical knowledge. Practical experience is desirable but not necessary.
  'kleine' vaarbewijzen deze zijn vereist voor het voeren van
- schepen met een lengte van 15 meter of meer die niet bedrijfsmatig gebruikt wordt;
- schepen met een lengte tussen de 15 en 20 meter die bedrijfsmatig gebruikt wordt of daartoe is bestemd
- motorboten, jetski's enz. met een lengte van minder dan 15 meter die een snelheid van meer dan 20 kilometer per uur kunnen bereiken
- sleep- of duwboten, die niet worden gebruikt om een schip met een lengte van 20 meter of meer te slepen, langszij mee te voeren of te duwen
  licences for 'small craft' for handling
- boats of 15m length or longer
- boats between 15 and 20m length that are used or can be used commercially
- motor boats, jet sky, etc. of 15 m length or less with a maximum speed of 20 km/h
- tow- or push boats that are not used to tow or push a barge longer than 20 m
  Vaarbewijs 1 Vaarbewijs voor de binnenwateren voor schepen van de pleziervaart tot 25m, met name op de rivieren, kanalen, kleine meren en ook op de Gouwzee en de Randmeren (Gooimeer t/m Ketelmeer / Zwarte Meer).
Uitzonderingen zijn: de Westerschelde, Oosterschelde, Waddenzee, Eems, Dollard, IJsselmeer, IJmeer en het Markermeer.
Op de Noordzee mag zonder vaarbewijs worden gevaren. Dit geldt echter niet voor de zeehavens.
  licence for handling pleasure boats of a length up to 25 m in inland waters, rivers and canals, with the exception of the maritime waterways (West Scheldt, the East Scheldt, the Wadden Sea, the Eems, the Dollard), the IJsselmeer, the IJmeer, and the Markermeer.
There is no requirement for navigating the North Sea. This does not apply, however, for sea ports.
  Vaarbewijs A Vaarbewijs voor alle binnenwateren en de boven genoemde vaartuigen met uitzondering van het gebied van het Rijnreglement.   licence for all inland waters (with the exception of the Rhine) and all the above vessels.
  Vaarbewijs 2 Vaarbewijs 1 + Vaarbewijs A    
  'grote' vaarbewijzen vaarbewijzen voor het beroepsmatige voeren van vaartuigen, met uitzondering van het "beperkt groot vaarbewijs"   licences for the professional handling of vessels
  beperkt groot vaarbewijs A vereist voor een gezagvoerder van een schip met een lengte tussen de 25 meter en 40 meter, geldig voor alle binnenwateren   licence for handling vessels between 25 and 40 m length and all inland waters (with the exception of the Rhine)
  beperkt groot vaarbewijs B vereist voor een gezagvoerder van een schip met een lengte tussen de 25 meter en 40 meter, geldig voor rivieren, kanalen en meren;   licence for handling those vessels on rivers, canals and lakes (with the exception of the Rhine and the maritime waterways named above)
  'sportschipperspatent' voor het varen op de Rijn met een vaartuig langer dan 15 m en korter dan 25 m gelden bijzondere voorschriften, die in het kader van het Rijnscheepvaart-Politie-Reglement (RPR) zijn vastgelegd. Examens hiervoor worden óf over de hele Rijn (vanaf Rheinfelden) óf over een beperkt traject afgelegd. Om tot het examen te kunnen worden toegelaten wordt voldoende nautische kennis over het traject vereist. Afgezien van een goedkeuring door de gezondheidsdienst moet de candidaat het traject binnen de laatste tien jaar zestien keer hebben bevaren, waarvan drie keer in ieder richting binnen de laatste drie jaar óf als deel van een opleiding minstens vier keer in ieder richting in het afgelopen jaar.   for navigation on the Rhine with boats longer than 15 m up to 25 m the rules of the Central Commission apply. Licences are issued either for the whole Rhine from Rheinfelden downward or for leg of the navigable river. Apart from a health certificate applicants must prove that they have travelled the respective trajectory 16 time within the last ten years, whereof three times in every direction within the last three years, or a minimum of four times in each direction within the past year as a part of a professional training course.
en beperkt stuurbrevet stuurbrevet voor het varen op alle belgische wateren, met uitzondering van de Beneden-Zeeschelde
gelijkwaardig aan Vaarbewijs 1 (Nederland)
  algemeen stuurbrevet stuurbrevet voor het varen op alle belgische wateren zonder uitzondering
gelijkwaardig aan Vaarbewijs 2 (Nederland)
en   während in vielen Ländern die Bestimmungen vereinfacht wurden, bestehen in Deutschland nach wie vor eine Vielzahl von Führerscheinen. Je nach Bootstyp, -größe und Fahrtgebiet werden unterschiedliche Führer- bzw. Schifferscheine verlangt. Neben den vorgeschriebenen amtlichen Scheinen, die insbesondere für die Fahrt auf den Binnengewässern für Boote über 5 PS vorgeschrieben sind, bestehen eine Reihe von freiwilligen Scheinen, die allerdings vom Vermieter, Charterer oder Versicherer eines Boots verlangt werden können. Nicht-deutsche Staatsbürger müssen je nach Revier entsprechende Scheine ihres Landes vorweisen können.    
  Sportbootführerschein Binnen
für Fahrzeuge mit Motor
Amtlich vorgeschriebener Führerschein für deutsche Staatsangehörige, die ein Sportboot mit einer Motorleistung ab 3,69 kW / 5 PS im Bereich der Binnenschiffahrtsstraßenordnung einsetzen. Gilt für das Führen von Yachten bis zu 14,99 Metern Länge und einer Verdrängung von 14,99 Tonnen.
Mindestalter 16 Jahre. Ärztliches Attest über die Seh- und Hörfähigkeit. Bescheinigung (z.B. Führerschein) über die Teilnahme an einem Lehrgang "Sofortmaßnahmen am Unfallort".
  Sportbootführerschein Binnen
für Fahrzeuge unter Segel
Freiwilliger Führerschein zum Führen eines Sportboots unter Segel bis 14,99m Länge und einer Verdrängung bis 14,99 Tonnen im Bereich der Binnenschiffahrtsstraßenordnung. Wird häufig von Bootsverleihern verlangt und gilt als Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme an einer Regatta.
Auflagen: Mindestalter 14 Jahre. Ansonsten wie oben.
  Sportbootführerschein Binnen
für Fahrzeuge mit Antriebsmaschine und unter Segel
Kombination der beiden obenstehenden Scheine.    
  Sportschifferzeugnis E Führerschein für Sportboote oder Yachten bis 25 Meter Länge. Das Zeugnis gilt für alle Binnenschifffahrtsstraßen, die keine besonderen streckenbezogenen Kenntnisse erfordern. Es gilt daher nicht für den Rhein. Für Sportboote < 25 m ist es auch im Ausland als äquivalentes Patent zum Führen von Booten auf Binnenwasserstraßen anerkannt (französisches grand plaisance fluviale, International Certificate of Competence (bis 24m) oder niederländischer Klein Vaarbewijs).    
  Sportschifferpatent Wie das Sportschifferzeugnis E ein Patent zum Führen eines Sportfahrzeugs, das größer als 15 m und kleiner als 25 m ist, im Gebiet der Rheinschiffahrts-Polizeiverordnung (Rhein von Rheinfelden bis zur Niederländischen Grenze, Pannerdens kanaal, Waal, Lek, Neder-Rijn). Das Sportschifferpatent wird von allen Verkehrsteilnehmern mit entsprechenden Fahrzeugen unabhängig von dem Land der Herkunft bzw. Staatsangehörigkeit verlangt. Das Patent gilt nur für die Strecke, für die es beantragt wird. Kenntnisse dieser Strecke sind Gegenstand der abzulegenden Prüfung.
Auflagen: Mindestalter 18 Jahre, Tauglichkeitszeugnis durch einen Amtsarzt, nautische Kenntnisse über die Strecke, auf der das Patent gelten soll. Voraussetzung zur Zulassung zur Prüfung ist ein Nachweis, daß die betreffende Strecke (oberhalb der Spyck'schen Fähre) innerhalb der letzten zehn Jahre mindestens sechzehnmal, davon mindestens je dreimal in jeder Richtung innerhalb der letzten drei Jahre, oder im Rahmen einer sachgerechten Ausbildung mindestens viermal in jeder Richtung innerhalb des letzten Jahres vor Eingang des Antrags befahren worden ist.
Zuständig für Prüfungsanträge sind die entsprechenden Wasser- und Schiffahrtsämter.
  Revierpatente amtliche Führerscheine, die aufgrund lokaler Regelungen für bestimmte Binnenseen (z.B Bodensee) gelten. Die Patente können auf Dauer oder für einen bestimmten Zeitraum erteilt werden. In der Regel wird die Vorlage des Sportbootführerscheins Binnen vorausgesetzt. Auskunft erteilen die örtlichen oder regionalen Verkehrsämter.    
  DSV-Jüngstensegelschein freiwilliger Führerschein des Deutschen Segler Verbands zur Nachwuchsförderung, der nur von jungen Segler in ausgewählten begrenzten Revieren unter fachkundiger Leitung erworben werden kann und als Befähigungsnachweis zur Führung von Jollen bis zu 13 qm Segelfläche gilt. Der Schein verfällt mit Vollendung des 17. Lebensjahres.    
  Sportbootführerschein See
für Fahrzeuge mit Motor
amtlicher Führerschein für deutsche Staatsangehörige, die ein Sportboot mit einer Motorleistung ab 3,69 kW / 5 PS im Bereich der Seeschiffahrtsstraßenordnung (innerhalb der 12sm-Zone) einsetzen.
Auflagen: Mindestalter 16 Jahre, Nachweis der Seh- und Hörfähigkeit und der Teilnahme am Lehrgang "Sofortmaßnahmen am Unfallort".
  Sportküstenschifferschein amtlicher, jedoch freiwilliger Sportküstenschifferschein als Befähigungsnachweis zum Führen von Segel- und/oder Yachten in den Küstengewässern innerhalb der 12-Meilen-Zone.
Voraussetzung für den Erwerb ist der Besitz des Sportbootführerscheines-See und eine erfolgreiche Teilnahme an einer theoretischen und praktischen Prüfung über gute Seemannschaft und navigatorische Kenntnisse.
Prüfungsanwärter zur praktischen Prüfung müssen 300 sm auf Yachten im Küstenbereich nach Erwerb des Sportbootführerscheines-See nachweisen.

Freiwilliger Führerschein zum Führen eines Sportboot im 30sm Küstenbereich, der Nordsee, der Ostsee, dem englischen Kanal und dem gesamten Mittelmeer.
Vorausgesetzt werden umfangreiche Kenntnisse in Navigation, der elektronischen Navigationseinrichtungen, der Wetterkunde, Gezeitenkunde und Seemannschaft sowie Seeverkehrsrecht u.dgl. Die Ausbildung erstreckt sich über rd. 120 Stunden.
Auflagen: Mindestalter 16 Jahre, Sportbootführerschein See und Nachweis über 1000 gefahrene Seemeilen außerhalb des Binnenbereiches bzw. 700 sm bei BR-Schein Inhabern

  Sporthochseeschifferschein Freiwilliges Patent zum Führen eines Sportboots auf der Hohen See.
Vorausgesetzt werden umfangreiche Kenntnisse des Bewerbers in astronomischer Navigation. Die Ausbildung umfaßt rd. 80 Stunden.
Auflagen: Mindestalter 18 Jahre, Besitzt des Sportseeschifferscheins, sowie Nachweis über 1000 gefahrene Seemeilen außerhalb des Binnenbereiches.
  Segelschein BR Freiwilliger Führerschein zum Führen eines Segelboots Sportboot im Bereich der Seeschiffahrtsstraßenordnung innerhalb der 12-sm-Zone. Der Führerschein ist nicht zwingend vorgeschrieben, wird aber von vielen Bootsverleihern verlangt und bei Teilnahme an einer Regatta vorausgesetzt.
Auflagen: Mindestalter 16 Jahre, Nachweis der Seh- und Hörfähigkeit,Teilnahme an einem Lehrgang: "Sofortmaßnahmen am Unfallort" sowie 300 gefahrene Seemeilen außerhalb des Binnenbereiches.
  Segelschein BK Freiwilliger Führerschein des Deutschen Segler Verbands.
Die Ausbildung hierfür umfaßt umfangreiches Wissen zu Navigation, Wetterkunde, Gezeitenkunde, Seemannschaft, Verkehrsrecht u. dgl. Der Schein gilt für den 30 sm Küstenbereich, Nordsee, Ostsee, englischer Kanal und das Mittelmeer.
Auflagen: Mindestalter 18 Jahre, Segelschein BR, zusätzliche 700 gefahrene sm., Nachweis der Seh- und Hörfähigkeit und Befähigungsnachweis im Umgang mit pyrotechnischen Mitteln.
  Segelschein C Freiwilliger Führerschein des DSV für Schiffsführer im Hochseebereich.
Auflagen: Mindestalter 18 Jahre, Segelschein BK, weitere 1000 gefahrene Seemeilen.
en Permis Plaisance Si la puissance de l’appareil propulsif est inférieure à 4,5 kW / 6 cv, aucun permis n’est exigé pour piloter un navire de plaisance à moteur.    
  option «eaux intérieures» pour la navigation sur les eaux intérieures avec un bateau d'une longueur limitée à 20 mètres;
conditions: au moins 16 ans; aptitude medicale
  option «grande plaisance fluviale» pour la navigation en eaux intérieures sur des bateaux sans limite de longueur;
conditions: au moins 18 ans; aptitude medicale 
  option «côtier» pour la navigation en mer jusqu'à 6 milles d'un abri,
conditions: au moins 16 ans; aptitude medicale
  option «hauturier» pour la navigation en mer, sans limite de distance ni de puissance;
conditions: au moins 16 ans; aptitude medicale 
en no licences required in the United Kingdom no licences for the handling of boats inland or at sea are required. Courses like the ones below (Royal Yachting Association) are, however, organized and offered by sailing schools and yacht clubs.    
  Start Yachting Course for absolute beginners with no previous experience. Over two days participants will be shown how to steer a yacht, how to handle the sails, a little ropework and an insight into safety on board.    
  Competant Crew Course five-day course for complete beginners with no previous experience. In addition to steering and sail handling participants will be shown how to keep a lookout and row a dinghy.    
  Day Skipper Theory Course The shorebased course requires 40 hours and two written exams are taken at the conclusion. Primarily about the basics of navigation, seamanship and the weather, when completed you should be able to navigate a boat in familiar waters in daylight.    
  Day Skipper Practical Course to be completed in 5 days or over 3 weekends. This can be undertaken in either tidal or non-tidal waters and the certificate issued at completion recognizes the distinction. The course covers boat handling, seamanship and navigation and pilotage. When finished you should be able to skipper a yacht in familiar waters in daylight.
Requirements: participants should have spent five days at sea with 4 hours night sailing and have logged 100 miles.
  Watchleader Practical Course teaches the responsibilities of a watchleader, navigation seamanship, safety and collision avoidance. After the 5 day course participants should be able to take the watch on a sail training vessel.
Requirements: participants should have have logged 100 miles and spent five days at sea with 4 hours night sailing.
  Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Offshore Theory in part a preperation for the Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore practical examinations. It continues on from the Day Skipper theory course looking again at navigation and meteorology and also considers safety, collision avoidance and passage planning. The course takes 40 hours and concludes with three examination papers. When completed you should understand the theory of navigation required to undertake coastal and offshore passages.
Requirements: Some practical experience is necessary and understanding of the theory of navigation to the level of the pervious Day Skipper theory course.
  Coastal Skipper Practical Course Course that can be taken in tidal or non-tidal waters. (The certificate issued at completion recognizes the distinction.)
The course is aimed at skippers wishing to make coastal passages by both day and night. The course lasts 5 days and deals with boat handling, safety and emergency situations, pilotage by day and night and passage planning. You will be expected to plan and skipper a short passage. Upon completion participants should be able to skipper a yacht on coastal passages by day and night.
Requirements: The course assumes that participants will have spent 15 days at sea with 2 of them as skipper and have 8 night hours. They should have logged 300 miles. They should have practical skills equivalent to the Day Skipper Theory Course and theoretical navigation to Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore Theory.
  Coastal Skipper Sailing Practical Examination Course content includes boat handling and seamanship, collision avoidance, safety, passage making and navigation, meteorology and ability as skipper. Upon completion you should be capable of skippering a yacht on coastal passages by day and night and with the additional of a commercial endorsement you can skipper commercial vessels under 24 metres in length up to 20 miles from a safe haven. For one person you should expect the exam to take between 6 - 10 hours, if two people are taking the exam this will increase to between 8 -14 hours.
Requirements: experience of 30 days at sea with 2 days as skipper and 12 night hours. Participants should have logged 800 miles. They are also required to hold a First Aid Certificate and a VHF SRC Radio Operator's Certificate. They should understand theory to the level of the Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster shorebased course.
  Yachtmaster Offshore Sailing Practical Examination You will be expected to demonstrate your ability as the skipper of an offshore sailing yacht, including questions on collision avoidance, navigation, pilotage, meteorology and boat handling. After a sucsessful completion you should be able to skipper an offshore sailing yacht by day or night. For one person you should expect the exam to take between 8 - 12 hours, if two people are taking the exam this will increase to between 10 -18 hours.
Requirements: Candidates should have spent 50 days at sea with 5 days as skipper and have logged 2,500 miles. They should have made 5 passages in excess of 60 miles including 2 overnight and 2 as skipper. They must hold a First Aid Certificate and a VHF SRC Radio Operator's Certificate and should understand theory to the level of the Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster shorebased course.
  Yachtmaster Ocean Theory Course Course that provides the knowledge required for those wishing to sail long distances. It covers ocean passage making and astro navigation including the use of a sextant. The course lasts 40 hours and when completed participants should understand how to plan and navigate on an ocean passage.    
  Yachtmaster Ocean Sailing Oral Examination Course on passage details and sun sight information. Candidates will receive questions on the techniques and problems of ocean passage making, including navigation, passage planning and ocean meteorology.The exam lasts a minimum of 1 and 1/2 hours and upon sucsessful completion they should be able to skipper a sailing yacht on an ocean passage.
Requirements: Candidates must have successfully completed the Yachtmaster Offshore practical exam. They should have made a 600 mile passage as either mate or skipper and be able to take sun-run-sun sights and compass check by azimuth.
en no licences required except for boat hiring or chartering or boat insurances. Two progressive training programs are offered by United States' sailing schools. These programs are also offered in some countries outside the U.S. where similar standards have been adopted.    
  Keelboat Sailing Certification Program      
  Basic Keelboat Certificate No experience or qualifications are necessary. To complete the course students will be required to demonstrate that they can put a name to and describe the workings of various parts of a boat including the hull, keel, deck bow and stern. The components of both the running and standing rigging. The different sails including the names of part of a sail - foot, leech, luff, head, tack and clew. The various spars, mast and boom. They will be familiar with sailing terminology used to describe various manoeuvres such as gybing and coming about. Students will understand the points of sail be it close hauled, reaching or running. They will understand the basics of collision avoidance including rules of the road. They will demonstrate they are familiar with regulations covering registration and identification, proper waste disposal, who to notify in the event of an accident and what safety equipment is requires by law to be carried on a vessel and how it is used. They will be able to demonstrate a knowledge of buoyage Participants will know how to anchor a boat and describe the choice of anchors and their attributes and failings. On the practical side they must demonstrate sail handling skills, they will display competence at the helm including mooring, sailing both upwind and downwind together with a successful tack and gybe. They will complete a successful man overboard recovery. They will show they know how to tie 6 different knots and understand their various uses. Upon completion of the course students should be able to sail a boat of some 20 feet in length in moderate winds in familiar waters.    
  Basic Coastal Cruising Certificate The course for the certificate looks at safety on board including equipment and procedures. An understanding of fire prevention and fighting is required. Students will be required to demonstrate a knowledge of first aid and the treatment of hypothermia. Basic meteorology is considered and students must demonstrate an understanding of shipping forecasts. An understanding of the relationship between the skipper and crew and the respective duties of each is required. Students must be able to undertake basic chartwork including depths; types of bottom, hazards, bouys, beacons and lights. The practical side of this course looks at boat handling under power and sail, man overboard recovery, the various points of sail, reefing and heaving to, docking and mooring and some knot work. When completed the sailor should be able to cruise safely in regional waters on a sailboat of up to 30 feet in length, in moderate winds and sea conditions.
Required: Basic Keelboat Sailing Certificate
  Bareboat Chartering The theory side covers the preparation of both crew and boat for a one week cruise including the preparation of a passage plan. Meteorology is considered including a look at fog and onshore and offshore winds. Seamanship is looked at and students should know what action is required if the engine fails, they should know how to anchor the boat bow or stern to. On the practical side the student will be able to undertake daily and weekly maintenance tasks, manoeuvre the boat under power in a restricted space, pick up a mooring buoy, use the VHF radio. The following navigational skills are required, plotting a course and establishing the compass heading and calculating an estimated time of arrival. Establishing a fix using visual bearing. Use a chart to pilot the boat into an unfamiliar harbour. Students must obtain and interpret a shipping forecast. When completed the individual can act as skipper of a boat up to 50 feet in length sailing by day in coastal waters.
Requirements: Participants are expected to hold the Basic Coastal Cruising Certificate.
  Coastal Navigation a theory only course for which no prior experience or knowledge is needed. Students will be required to demonstrate knowledge of various State and Federal regulations pertaining to sailing. They must understand how the use navigational instruments including both steering and hand bearing compasses, binoculars, depth sounder, log, parallel rule and dividers. Participants must display an understanding of tide tables and their use when dealing with secondary ports. They should be able to convert bearings and compass courses between, compass, magnetic and true, plot a dead reckoning position, understand the effect of current and leeway when estimating a position and plot a position by two or more bearings, a running fix and a bearing and distance. Finally they will need to demonstrate a knowledge of buoyage and lights.    
  Cruising Catamaran deals exclusively with multihull sailing and concentrates on the differences a sailor finds as opposed to monohull sailing. On the theory side students must be able to identify and name the various parts of a multihull that are not found on a monohull including the different wing decks, hulls, cross arms, three point rig, bridle line, safety nets, seagull and dolphin strikers. They will be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of multihulls including, performance, comfort safety and the danger of capsize. On the practical side the sailor will demonstrate: how to cast of and leave the quay with at least two different wind directions relative to the bow and then return and berth alongside, pick up a mooring buoy, manoeuvre in a restricted space, reverse, recover a man overboard, the different points of sail, tacking and gybing, sail a compass course within 10 degrees. They will anchor in the following ways, two anchors of the bow or stern, bow anchor and bridle, single bow with a stern line to the shore and bow to fixed mooring. Upon completion the person can skipper a multihull sailboat of up to 50 foot in length by day in coastal waters.
Requirements: Participants should have completed the Bareboat Chartering stage.
  Advanced Coastal Cruising Students will be required to demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the theory of sailing, an understanding of meteorology including the various cloud formations and the weather that can be expected with each. They will understand the needs of heavy weather sailing, the necessary sail changes and the use of the correct safety equipment and procedures. They will be able to describe: how set a second anchor to reduce swinging, how to recover a fouled anchor, how to use a trip line and an anchor buoy and when and how to set an anchor watch. They will describe how to tow or be towed. They will have a knowledge of distress signals. Students will correctly describe the actions required in the following emergency situations: a dismasting, running aground on a lee shore and engine failure. Students will be able to carry out maintenance and repairs on the engine. On the water students must: sail on all points of the wind and tack and gybe in a wind of at least 15 knots, sail a compass course to within 10 degrees, carry out a man overboard recovery in darkness. They will demonstrate their ability to set, sail with including a gybe, douse and pack a spinnaker. And finally they will stand a navigation watch of 20 miles both at day and night. When completed a person can skipper a sailing vessel of up to 50 feet in length both during day and night in coastal waters regardless of weather and sea conditions.
Requirements: Participants should have completed both the Bareboat Chartering and Coastal Navigation stages.
  Celestial Navigation The course is theory based and requires no experience or prior qualifications. The student must be able to demonstrate the Celestial Navigation required to navigate a sailboat on an offshore passage. The successful student will have demonstrated their ability to: Convert longitude into time and standard time and zone time to GMT. They will be able to calculate: the zone time given longitude, the chronometer error given a previous error and the daily rate, the time of meridian passage of the sun and calculate the boat's latitude from the observed meridian altitude of the sun, the times of sunrise, sunset and twilight, plot celestial lines of position on a Mercator projection or on a universal plotting sheet and the true bearing of a low altitude celestial body in order to determine the error and deviation of the compass. The student will be able to apply the corrections for index error, dip of the horizon, and total correction to convert sextant altitudes of the sun, stars, planets, and moon to true altitudes, determine the latitude at twilight by means of the Pole Star and the approximate azimuths and altitudes of the navigational stars and planets at twilight. In addition they will be capable of solving the navigational triangle using a navigation table and advance the LOP obtained from a sun sight to another LOP obtained from the sun at a later time and find the boat's position using a running fix (sun-run-sun).    
  Offshore Passage Making The student will plan a passage across either the Pacific or North Atlantic using Great Circle Plotting Charts and Climatic Charts. They must show an understanding of the essential factors to be considered when selecting a vessel for an offshore ocean passage of at least 1000 miles including hull construction and shape, keel, rig, and rudder type, fuel and water capacity. They must provide a list of tools and spares required for such a voyage. They must victual the boat for four people on passage for seven days. They must list the items to be carried in the first aid kit and describe basic treatments for injuries and illnesses that may occur together with identifying a source of mare advanced medical information while on passage. They will prepare a watch keeping system and define the duties of crew members both on and off watch. They will design a maintenance plan to cover: Bilges, electronic equipment, fuel system, hatches, galley equipment, rigging, safety equipment sea cocks, steering and the water system. They will describe the procedures to be undertaken in the following emergency situations: abandon ship, dismasting, fire onboard, lightning strike, man overboard. A comprehensive knowledge of the International Regulation for Preventing Collision at Sea must be demonstrated. When the course is completed is the sailor cans skipper a sailing vessel on offshore passages in any weather.
Requirements: Entrants should be certified to the Advanced Coastal Cruising level and should have completed the Celestial Navigation course
  Small Boat Sailing Program certified training courses to handle small boats in two stages    
  Basic Small Boat Sailing Standard requires no previous experience or qualifications. It is the first course in the Small Boat Sailing Program. Students must demonstrate a theoretical knowledge of the names and functions of various parts of a boat together with common sailing terms, the sail and its ancillary components, the International Rules for Collision Prevention both at sea and on inland waters and hey should demonstrate a basic knowledge of safety procedures. On the practical side they must show they can tread water for 5 minutes and swim 100 metres, rig, launch and retrieve the boat, set and trim the sails, sail both upwind and downwind, tack and gybe, correctly apply the rules of the road, recover a man overboard, recover from a capsize, accept and pass a towline, tie four specified Knots within a given time. Upon completion he or she will be able to sail a centerboard or multihull sailboat in light to moderate winds and sea conditions in familiar waters.    
  Trailerable Multihull Standard On the theory side students must be able to identify and name the various parts of a multihull that are not found on a monohull including the different wing decks, hulls, cross arms, three point rig, bridle line, safety nets, seagull and dolphin strikers. They will be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of multihulls including, performance, comfort safety and the danger of capsize. On the practical side the sailor will demonstrate: how to cast of and leave the quay with at least two different wind directions relative to the bow and then return and berth alongside, pick up a mooring buoy, manoeuvre in a restricted space, reverse, recover a man overboard, the different points of sail, tacking and gybing, sail a compass course within 10 degrees. They will anchor in the following ways, bow anchor and bridle and single bow with a stern line to the shore. When completed sailors are able to cruise safely in local and regional waters as both skipper and crew on an auxiliary multihull sailboat of up to 30 feet in length, in moderate wind and sea conditions.
Requirements: Completion of the Basic Keelboat. The course may be taught as part of or following the Basic Coastal Cruising course.