ultramarin marine translations
nl  asejektor
  de asejektor is een inrichting om as en sintels van de stookplaats van met kolen gestookte stoomketels over boord te storten. Hij bestaat uit een gegoten ijzeren of stalen cilindrische pot, waarop een stevig rooster is aangebracht, en waarop de sintels stuk geslagen worden. De pot is door een schuin omhoog lopende pijp met een klep in de scheepshuid verbonden. In de pot bevindt zich een spuitstuk dat voor een krachtige waterstraal zorgt zodat de stukgeslagen sintels naar buiten storten.
de  Aschenloch
auf Dampfern das Loch in der Bordwand, durch das die Asche nach außenbords befördert wird
en  ash chute
ash ejector
in its simplest form a hole in the hull to eject ashes; a more complicated installation is a cast iron bucket for the ashes with a grill on top on which the cinders can be reduced to small pieces. The pot runs up and down to the mentioned hole where the bucket can be emptied out into the water.
fr  éjecteur des cendres
éjecteur des escarbilles
  An Olympic-class ship which consumed, on average, 650 tons of coal each day. produced over 100 tons of ashes a day. Since on sea vessels the stoking floors could be several decks below the waterline, an efficient means had to be employed for disposing of such large quantities of ash.
A device employed was the See's Ash Ejector. There were two in each large boiler room (2 through 6), recessed into the coal bunkers at various locations. To dispose of the ash raked from the furnace, a trimmer would fill a barrow and wheel it over to the nearest ash ejector, which consisted of a large grating over a hopper that was slightly above the level of the stokehold floor. The ashes were discharged by shoveling them into the hopper, where they then were drawn down by the rush of air to a water jet which was being discharged through a long inclined pipe, at a pressure of about 150 lb., being maintained by a large duplex feed pump. The water jet carried the ashes up the inclined pipe till, at the upper bend they were deflected and discharged well clear of the ship's side above the water line.
The drawing shows an ash ejector in use similar to that used on vessels such as the Britannic and Aquitania, which ejected the ashes straight down under the hull rather than out to the side of the ship. The principle is the same, however.
source: Titanic Research and Modeling Assoc.