nl Antarctische Circumpolaire Stroom   een met de wijzers van de klok mee gaande stroom die de Antarctis omrondt, zeer breed is en tot grote diepte reikt, waardoor hij een belangrijke bijdrage levert aan de uitwisseling van de diepe en middelste lagen van zowel de Atlantische als de Stille en Indische Oceaan, die hij alle drie met elkaar verbindt.
de Antarktischer Zirkumpolarstrom ein im Uhrzeigersinn die Antarktis umkreisender Strom, der weiträumig und in große Tiefen reicht und deshalb den Austausch der tiefen und mittleren Schichten sowohl des Atlantischen, als auch des Pazifischen und Indischen Ozeans befördert, die er alle drei verbindet.
en Antarctic Circumpolar Current
West Wind Drift
a clockwise current circling around the Antarctic. It is an important feature of the ocean's deep circulation because it transports deep and intermediate water between the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean, and because it contributes to the deep circulation in all basins.
fr courant circumpolaire Antarctique  
es corriente circumpolar Antártica  
it corrente circumpolare Antartica  
source: Byrd Polar Research Center
en The current has three streams associated with the three fronts: the southern ACC front, the polar front, and the sub-antarctic front. Typical current speeds are around 10 cm/s with speeds of up to 50 cm/s near some fronts. Although the currents are slow, they transport much more water than western boundary currents because the flow is deep and wide.
The core of the current is composed of circumpolar deep water, a mixture of deep water from all oceans. The upper branch of the current contains oxygen-poor water from all oceans. The lower (deeper) branch contains a core of high-salinity water from the Atlantic, including contributions from the north Atlantic deep water mixed with salty Mediterranean Sea water. As the different water masses circulate around Antarctica they mix with other water masses with similar density. In a sense, the current is a giant 'mix-master' taking deep water from each ocean, mixing it with deep water from other oceans, and then redistributing it back to each ocean.
The Antarctic currents are wind driven. Strong west winds with maximum speed near 50°S drive the currents , and the north-south gradient of wind speed produces convergence and divergence of Ekman transports. Divergence south of the zone of maximum wind speed, south of 50°S leads to upwelling of the circumpolar deep water. Convergence north of the zone of maximum winds leads to downwelling of the Antarctic intermediate water. The surface water is relatively fresh but cold, and when they sink they de the characteristics of the Antarctic intermediate water.
source: oceanworld.tamu.edu