ultramarin marine translations
nl Allegheny   516 km lange bronrivier van de Ohio, die in de bergen van Potter County, PA, ontspringt. De rivier wordt door acht stuwen met schutsluizen gereguleerd en is vanaf East Brady tot zijn samenloop met de Monongahela in Pittsburgh bevaarbaar. Allegheny R - Google Earth
de Allegheny 516 km langer Quellfluß des Ohio, der der Bergregion von Potter County, Pennsylvania, entspringt. Der Fluß mit seinen acht Staustufen ist von East Brady bis zum Zusammenfluß mit dem Monongahela in Pittsburgh schiffbar.  
en Allegheny (River) (329 mi) rises in the hills of Potter County, PA, and joins the Monongahela River at the Point in Pittsburgh, PA, to form the Ohio River. The river has eight dams with locks and is navigable from East Brady down to the Point.  


C.W. Bill Young Lock and Dam (# 3) (New Kensington, PA, 1932-35)
replaced the Springdale lock, built between 1897-1904
Lock & Dam # 5 (Freeport, PA, built 1920-27)
Lock and Dam # 9 (Rimer, PA, 1935-38)
closed indefinitely except for commercial appointment lockages
photos: US Army Corps of Engineers